156-Life Time
Sure, you can just make time not pass indoors to fix time balancing issues, but you do realize that means I could watch the entire series of Mechabot Ultror before you even poot, right?
Video Games:
I’ve fallen back into the time pit that is Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. I usually have the defense mechanism of getting overwhelmed with all the work I have to do before I can marry Karen (I’m choosing Karen this time, because I’ve come to realize Popuri is a flipping brat) by day 3 and give up. But this time, I simply picked up the last day-3 file I abandoned and played from there. Harvest Moon, or at least Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, is a game that rewards you for your time with a world of intricacy. There are so many little pieces that make the world feel like no time is wasted. The game rewards exploration and stepping out of your routine in a meaningful way. A meaningful way. I didn’t grow flowers and get a potion, I grew flowers and got a bee hive that regularly produces honey. Some characters like honey. Honey is needed for some recipes. Crap, I wanna go play–
Unrelated to me playing Harvest Moon, Tenoreo randomly brought some pots, a strawberry plant and some vegetable seeds home. I used to have a veggie/fruit garden a while back, but I haven’t lived in a home with a yard since. That and raising potted veggies is like raising turtles. You do have to pay attention to them. And you know me, I am overly sympathetic for even inanimate objects. So she might as well have brought home a puppy, for as involved as I have to get in this. We went back out to the store and got the other half of the stuff needed to grow plants (Tenoreo thinks a pot, some seeds and 4 qts. of soil is all it takes– LET US LAUGH AT HER DERISIVELY HEEHAAHAA), and now I’m waiting for a cabbage, beets, rosemary, basil and this strawberry plant to become stuff I can look at and then eat. Like I do with all things that aren’t rocks or people*.
Closing Comments:
Until next comic…
See you then~
Harvest Moon! <3 I haven't played BTN in ages. Karen is best girl!
I'm hooked on Story of Seasons right now (which is basically the newest HM game by another name, if you didn't know). In fact, I only forced myself to put it down a minute ago so I could go to sleep (and now in reading webcomics; I'm not good at this "bedtime" thing). Anyway, you should check it out if you haven't already. The previous game, A New Beginning, is also awesome. =D
I get so excited when I see a HM-based comic! X3 lol
I’m interested in Story of Seasons! Is it true there are framerate issues, though? Animal Parade had mad fps drop in the village and it bothered me probably too much.
I’ve seen people complaining about it online, but I haven’t noticed it at all. Dunno if I’m not having the issue or I’m just not observant enough. lol But I’ve also seen other people say they haven’t noticed the framerate problem either. Either only some games are doing it or some people just notice it more than others, I guess.
Bottom line: I couldn’t really say either way except that it hasn’t been an issue for me personally.
I got REALLY into Friends of Mineral Town back in the dark days of dial-up… I remember there being this one really awesome website that told me how to do so much stuff and I printed out SOOOOO many pages… You know, because having it printed out was more convenient than AOL… God so much color ink was spent…
I really wanna play a new Harvest Moon game, last one I played was Tree of Tranquility… Which I maaaaaay have bought for my girlfriend… Only to swipe it a week later… DON’T JUDGE ME!
I married Karen in FoMT, I loved my little wino… The one think I really disliked about ToT was that more people to marry moved in as the game went on… Which was cool, but before that I had played A Wonderful Life and was afraid I’d lose the game if I didn’t marry in year one… Maybe I should try Magical Melody again… I own it, but never played it much… I also have Harvest Moon Boy and Girl for the PSP… Played that for a while, but the isometric view of Mineral Town screwed with my head a little at first lol. I don’t think I ever got married.
I’m really rambling…
Hahaha, wow! You totally just reminded me that I did the “printing all the recipes and info” thing, too. My mom got so mad. XD
I’m the opposite to you when it comes to FoMT vs BtN’s viewing angle, though. Don’t get me wrong, I played FoMT a bunch. But the straight-angle view kept throwing me off.
I also printed a bunch of lists for the various games, like a list of the music notes in Magical Melody (but only in black and white text, so I wouldn’t waste TOO much ink). I just hated having to go to my computer constantly to check things. Now I just use my smartphone. lol
For some reason I skipped ToT and went straight to Animal Parade, but recently a friend loaned me ToT. I wanted to like it, but the camera angles are AWFUL. I could never tell where I was going at all. I gave up on it really fast. If I had played it before AP I might have liked it more, but it’s hard to go back to an older game one you’ve experienced the improvements of a newer one.
Yeah, what’s up with the way they release a game, then release the improved version the next year? With Street Fighter, you just pick up the new version and immediately have access to the content. In Harvest Moon, you gotta reinvest sooo much time. I played AP first, so I didn’t even try ToT. On the other hand, I played Island of Happiness first, but I did try Sunshine Islands. Same thing despite it being the newer version, though: Too similar to fully enjoy.
I don’t get this joke. What are you trying to pull, Kakujp- nefarious doppelganger of Kakujo?
Time doesn’t move at all indoors in Mineral Town, unless you sleep. Him going inside causes the world to halt. Even people who were walking outside are frozen in time by his receding inside. You could stay inside forever, FOREVER, and nothing would change. It’d be like you were immortal, but only as long as you like watching the one of the four shows on that day indefinably, or reading books on how to do the things you couldn’t do because you’re now inside.
Everything outside freezes, but Jack is still active, so “time” is only moving for him, even though the clock has stopped. Although I’m not sure why he decided to stay inside until he became an old man… Just what was he doing in there all those “years”??
Yay, I’m glad to find others who enjoy HM!
This genuinely made me laugh. Harvest Moons have always had time-stopping indoors. Good work!
Ahh, thanks! I’ve been playing Story of Seasons and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that time totally does pass indoors! ><