152-Risky Woods
I guess the stuff never killed me. If it had killed me though, I wouldn’t know it, I guess.
Video Games:
I’ve found that a lot of games claiming to be “couch competitive/co-op games” don’t engage the people I hang out with very long. We play Towerfall a bit, we play Nidhogg a bit, we play BattleBlock Theater a bit, we play Speedrunners… a… bit… It might just be another product of having too many options in this hyper-saturated gaming market, or they might just be quick flashes in the pan. I dunno. I don’t feel like sitting here “analyzing” a bunch of otherwise good games like I’m the prodigal son of a new era of games journalism. But a game I didn’t expect to keep us couch-ridden folk entertained for long was Besiege. My brother-in-law has a wireless mouse/keyboard setup in his living room, and we sat there, all taking turns building ridiculous, exploding, burning abominations while the onlookers shouted suggestions and laughed ’til it hurt. Good times. Maybe we’re all just more into slapstick?
I found my whittling knife! Oh right, I never told you I lost my whittling knife.
Closing Comments:
Until next comic…
See you then~
Whittling knives are cool. Whittling knives are great. My dad has a whittling knife. You should make a comic about whittling knives. Whittling knives are fun words to say in conjunction with one another. Whittling knives…what would the world do without them?
It just feels right to whittle!!
Hey, I see you eying my knife, bucko! I’ll show you how well it works if you get any closer!
Geez, I just wanted to steal your knife…
*GASP* Kakujo admits to theft! *Calls 911*
LEAF it to me to tell these, but I’m only out on a LIMB. It’s always said how the BARK is worse than the bite, but it’s STUMPing me. I’m LUMBERing along with these, aren’t I? YEW should really stop being a SAP and include more TREEs in your comics! SAW what I did there? It’s a little SHADEy, I know, but I’m only at the ROOT of the problem. I have many treesons for these, but I can’t make my puns without your OAKay. I’m ACORNy person, I know… I’ve been SPRUCEing up the place, too.