146-We Dine Together
With more people, we’ll get more done and we will survive! Only nOT
First time trying animation like this. I have a new respect for animators. I don’t wanna animate again for a while, haha…
Oh hey, a YouTuber person named “MajinReborn” made a fan-dub of the Story of Goom comic! And it is SO COOL!!
Video Games:
I started up Skyrim again, thanks to a lovely person gifting it to me on Steam. I can’t remember how far I got before, but I’m pretty sure I only killed like, 3 dragons. Now I’m playing a Dunmer lady battlemage type of character, and I’m preeeety sure I’m doing something wrong, because the difficulty suddenly ramped up after the first dragon. Not in a way I remember encountering the first time I played, anyway. I shoot lightning out of my left hand like PEW PEW and I swing my mace with my right hand like… WHOOSH?— and I’m suddenly dead. I’m considering just dropping melee altogether, as I’m thinking that might be my weakpoint. Difficulties aside, the game is such a welcome immersion buffet. It’s awesome how well it still stacks up against games that have followed it.
I already gushed about how much I love this tablet wall-mount, but I’ll continue by saying that it’s mainly what got me through animating this comic. Even with it, my entire body is in crampy pain, but far less than without it. I worked on this thing for ~20+ hours (even 2 seconds of non-tweened animation is the equivalent of me drawing ~30 panels for that 1 panel), and I really couldn’t have done it without this mount. So, again, yaaaaay!
Closing Comments:
Until next comic…
See you then~
Hey, HEY! HEEEEEEEEY! I was there for that. That is- was- me, in the middle. But, something is amiss. Where’s your character, Kakujo? The old Wickerbottom? Could it be, you had inside information and escaped the nightmarish torrent that befell us here? Could it be that… IT WAS YOU WHO DID IT?!
This is more in reply to your text post (Though I do love the comic), Skyrim becomes much easier when you focus your fighting abilities into one tier. Never do magic and archery at the same time, you’re wasting skills on two long ranges. If you really wanna focus on melee with magic, use Conjuration to make yourself weapons. Passives you can put anywhere (armor, all thief skills other than archery, black smithing, alchemy), but don’t try to multi-task those too much. One of my favorite magic skills is illusion, I literally just make enemies fight each other and then go in with a conjured sword and finish the last one off. It’s also really easy to level up (Calm, Courage, Rally [and their upgrades] can be used on anyone without the guard getting angry, so you just run through town buffin everyone. I’m rambling…
I personally like playing thieves (and I’m at a point where I finally learned how to play a thief effectively! whereas in other games I went “hurr-durr I’mathief,” and ran into a horde of monsters >.<
We touched bases on this over on Facebook, but again, thank you! This helped me stop dying every time I stop sneaking!
O- Ohhh… Oh no…
Your comic as spread around! Last seen on http://cheezburger.com/8434996480.
Starting to get a little famous, eh Kakujo?
Why did you die?
Nobody played as Wickerbottom.