
Certain personalities are just too big to allow similar types near. There’s a reason there’s only one in every group. But the ability to copy oneself is tempting. We’d almost assuredly betray or try to kill the other, though. Or at least, I would. Too many Kakujos would dilute the brand. The brand of Kakujo.


If you wanna help support the crap out of my family and you miss the satisfying click of the console cartridges of yore, my new shirt “Cartridge Clique” is up for preorder for two more days! Use the coupon code “cybershark” before the end of the evening (12/1/2014) to get 15% off your purchase!

Video Games:

November has gone, and it’s taken its awful gaming temptations with it. But we’re not out of the woods. Like, 6 things are dropping between tomorrow and the 14th. What’s on your list? I’m mostly already satisfied, but I really want some Amiibos! Gimme that Peach, Kirby and Zelda, please! OKAY SANTA!?


Mostly just Smash 4, still. It’s way less boring when I’m actually playing it, but reporting it to you makes me realize I might need sunlight soon.

Closing Comments:

Until next comic…