If you enjoy the things I excrete, maybe consider buying me a cup o’ coffee!
Whutta bunch a swell goise.
Streamed this one. I’ll update the post when it becomes a timelapse.
Video Games:
Nuclear Throne with Lily
Only if
Lily’s 4 years old! We went out to the beach and saw a bunch of clapping sea lions seals (sorry sea lions) and other stuff. Fun, but exhausting. Still, Lily had a blast.
Closing Comments:
Until next comic…
Update(05/02/2014-10:09pm PST): If you haven’t been following the chronicles of my hard drives all failing, one after the other: Most recently, my system drive was left badly corrupted after I ran repairs on it, leaving almost all of my games and programs jacked uuuUUPP. As much as it makes my blood boil through my skin, I need to postpone things for a couple days while I backup save/config files and reinstall EVERYTHING, including Windows. Possibly on another new drive. I’m really sorry, Bits and Bytes. See you then…
Whenever I see sea lions or seals clapping, I mentally fit in Banjo’s “Duh-huh!”
Oh man, sorry to hear about your computer.
Also, I need to remind myself to finally get the free time to watch your Nuclear Throne gameplay!
1 it’s sad! 2 I don’t get it
In previous updates (somewhere before update 23 I’m guessing?), after you hit level five, the popo (aka, the IDPD) come after you.
Ah yes! Correct! It was a potshot to make Nuclear Throne comics, especially one based on a previous update. But I really wanted to make a Nuclear Throne comic and I have no foresight or self control.