112-Cant Keep a Big Dog Down
KakuJomics will continue and grow with your patronage!
Today’s Players:
Oh, the whimsy~
Video Games:
My love of Nuclear Throne continues to grow. I thought about it a while, and “choreographed” really is the best way I’ve seen the gameplay flow described. It just feels so tight and cool. Also, I’ve started a series.
Nuclear Throne
Guild of Dungeoneering
(dungeon building, card-based madness)
G-ma’s coming in today, so we were cleaning up earlier. Iiiiiiiiiiii dislike carpet cleaning.
Closing Comments:
Until next comic…
Kakujo, I really want to become your Patron, but I have to wait. College is taking most of my money… Sorry, all of my money lol. I can say this, when I graduate (hopefully you’re still doin this by then. 1 more year.) I am definitely goin to give you money.
Don’t sweat it, man! I appreciate the notion, either way. 🙂
Thank you for the smile today, I really needed it!
Glad you enjoyed it! ^^
Never trust the big bandit. He has the biggest lies
Bowels full of ’em.
Worms OP Pls Nerf
It’s a bit disturbing, considering those are actually supposed to be maggots.