010-Gods Barf School
Fighting moths is serious business. Seriously. ‘Hope the barf didn’t offend anyone. XD
The kanji is “Hiken. Zankuusen.” Which translates to “Hidden Sword Technique. Air-Cutting Flash.” It’s a reference to my favorite character in the first manga I ever read. Can anyone guess?
So ends this story arc. Next Sunday will be an epilogue (I kind of ended it today, right…?).
In the beginning of creating this site, I began with intentions of practicing with these comics, then eventually going full-time with a full-blown, in-depth, episodic storyline. The fatal flaw in this plan is that, with every comic about Kakujo and Ilia I release, the tighter a spot I write myself into later (canon and whatnot).
I explain this because, within the next few weeks, I plan on just jumping into it and getting on with the tale. If I keep telling myself “when I get better”, or “I have to practice, first”, I’ll never get to it.
SO! Better now than never, yes?
I can’t reveal too many details, because I haven’t completely written everything out. I’m dealing with characters and worlds from so many different video games, I have to make extra-special care to get my canon juuuust right so as not to cause the uptight fanboys to piss with anguish. (I can be guilty of that too, at times…)
The refrence is to…
Bleach, I think?
Yeah I’m positive.
Nooooo! I enjoy Bleach, on occasion, but this specific reference is to something older. Circa 2000 kind of older. Good guess, though.
Love Hina..?
YES! Correct!
I loved the manga and mostly liked the anime (its animation is pretty bad, randomly).
BARF! XD That was un-expected! I was unsure of what manga it was till I read the comments…:Y
I really do not get what you fear about moths. I mean it’s better then bees, hornets, etc.
Hey, you might want to fix your random button. It always takes you to this paticular comic.
Yikes! Thank you for letting me know, I’ll see what it’s all about.
It SHOULD be fixed. Again, thanks for the heads up!