Finally, I got to draw Ness! I’m pretty happy with the overall composition of this comic. I’m definitely turning the last panel into AT LEAST a wallpaper.
Further experimentation was conducted with this comic; in techniques, methods, and outputs. The most notable difference being that, for some of you, the last panel is animated. I went with a more obscure format, though. I can’t stand GIF’s color limitations and what they do to my comics, so I used APNG. Basically, an animated PNG, hence the name. I believe Firefox and Opera are the only browsers that support it, natively, while plugins are available for a couple others. In any case, the animation is in NO WAY necessary to actually enjoy the comic/joke. So if all you see is a still image: Don’t worry, you’re not missing much.
Edit: It looks like the way my site caches images is preventing the actual animation from firing off, for most people; you may have to “view image” to see it. Well, this was kind of a misfire. XD
This comic also marks the first time I’ve ever had such a large source-file. Photoshop’s never made my computer heat up like it did, this time. Technical blah-de-blah and such with a rumble-bumble… .. ..
Video Games:
Minecraft 1.2(.3) is out! Get it! It’s got some neat additions! CATS! DOUBLE WORLD HEIGHT-LIMIT! IMPROVED ENEMY AI! ZOMBIE SIEGES!!! *ahem* I am looking forward to recording new episodes of my Minecraft Comedy Commentary.
I randomly started playing Plants vs. Zombies, again. I’m impressed at how many times I can start that game and still get absorbed for an hour or two. Maybe I can find a way to capture video from my iPhone? I could make an LP of that…?
I think everyone’s finally done being sick.
Of course we live in Oklahoma, mind you, so the allergies are suddenly awful, this time of year; reason #491485 for why we’re moving, soon. Maybe then, my schedule wouldn’t constantly be interrupted. :O
Closing Comments:
I’ve got a few other comic ideas lined up that I feel pretty good about. Maybe no more animation unless people really like the idea of it, as the filesize is a bit larger and a couple hundred kilobytes can really make a difference to someone on a slower net connection. Anyway, it’s 1PM and I never went to sleep, last night. Time to be nocturnal and such. Until next comic; see you then~
Lol. I kinda saw the fat Ness part coming, but did not expect him doing a victory screech at the end on top of the enemies. But still any way a great comic and loved it.
The APNG works fine here without any problems – although how much of that is down to the fact I’m using an extension in Chrome to get them to work…
Definitely doesn’t animate in the RSS feed version, although that’s not really a concern.
Too perfect of a Ness, there has to be a Super Metroid comic coming up, or that’s what i’ll just keep telling myself DX
Dang, if only in Pokemon all the trainers gave you cookies when you beat them… Of course, they give you cash instead, I guess they’re forgiven.
That last panel is pretty fantastic.
This is awesome! Earthbound does not get its due credit for being the greatest RPG ever! I had more bread rolls from crows and then all those hamburgers from raiding trashcans and beating up The Sharks but the cookies were al over the place.