121-Bad Assassments
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I spent so much time animating this comic, but in the end, the filesize was HUGE, so I had to scale it back to just Y.V. in the pipes. I did manage to save this, though:
Video Games:
Nuclear Throne is going to have a new character added tomorrow, named Horror! SUCH EXCITE!!
Played some more Action Henk! (which will be available through Steam’s “Early Access” July 8th)! They implemented a new character named Betsy which, like Henk, has an off-putting, yet oddly affable appearance and demeanor. I love how weird these characters are. Ooh, and I heard that they are indeed considering a level editor, if demand is high enough. DEMAND IT, PEOPLE! A leved editor would MAKE this game.
And I finally got to the Nuclear Throne (which Vlambeer just finally implemented to the game)! Of course, I was immediately destroyed, but that’s not the point (or is it?)!
Action Henk! – Unlocking Betsy and defeating The Ultimate Test
Nuclear Throne – THE THRONE ROOM!!
Had a pretty good 4th! We took the train down to city center and watched a display by the river. Of course, the trip back wasn’t so simple. Every train back was PACKED, so we ended up missing ours and had to take another one to a nearby transit center and walk the remaining three miles home. But hey, there was a crazy girl on the train who was trying to pick a fight with every single person. I’m always surprised at how quickly we common folk rally and unite against a common enemy. Nothing physical broke out, but that lady got slammed by our entire half of the cabin. Then she started dancing? People are strange, and that’s okay.
Closing Comments:
I always thought it was a lazy cash-in gimmick to add a 2-frame animation to like, 1 panel, but it’s apparently out of necessity. Animating in Photoshop was a nightmare, but I’ll probably continue to add little animated bits to future comics, so long as it doesn’t affect the quality or the filesize.
I really like the animated comics 🙂
I loved the animation! I think maybe the nightmare in photshop had its comeback 😀
Also, I’m wondering, did you go to the fishing? It must’ve been terrible. And if it was that kind of fishing were you take the fish and release it, nope! The chances of the fish surviving are very low. If I were in nature with nothing, I would run out of protein really quick….
Yisssssss! Animated bits, even if they’re tiny, are always great.
If only there was more animation in the world still a great comic without it but the animation makes it so good